Wednesday, 31 October 2012

It's all about Teaching and Learning

Our challenge as teachers today is to not only to prepare our students to be digitally savvy and information literate, but also to help them create, communicate, collaborate and connect so that they can become responsible and contributing citizens in the future.

Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay and we as educators need to do everything we can to empower out students for their futures.

Technology will never replace a good teacher, however take good teaching practice and equip it with the advancing technology that is now available to us, and we have a powerful combination of ingredients to take to our students.

Whenever one attempts to plan and create a lesson or classroom experience using some form of technology, one must always focus on how the technology can be used to enhance the learning experience for the students, and assist them in applying the 21st Century skills such as collaboration, creativity, organisation, critical thinking etc and not just on the technology itself.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. So often, despite the best planning, a technology-based lesson can go awry. Always ensure that you have a backup plan should the technology let you down.

Our students are such confident users of technology. Don't feel that you have to know everything or more about the technology than your students! They will show you the way!

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